
Animation Composer: A (free plug-in for Adobe After Effects

Animation Composer: A (free plug-in for Adobe After Effects

Aspect Ratio Calculator: A Must-Have Tool for Designers and Developers

Aspect Ratio Calculator: A Must-Have Tool for Designers and Developers

Chromatic for Storybook: A Powerful Tool for UI Development

Chromatic for Storybook: A Powerful Tool for UI Development

Customize Google Maps: A Look at Google’s Map Style Tool

Customize Google Maps: A Look at Google’s Map Style Tool

Cyberduck: Connecting Seamless to Every Server

Cyberduck: Connecting Seamless to Every Server

Docusaurus: The Ultimate Tool for Documentation Websites

Docusaurus: The Ultimate Tool for Documentation Websites Free online diagram software for making flowcharts Free online diagram software for making flowcharts

Figma: A Modern Collaborative Design Tool

Figma: A Modern Collaborative Design Tool

HandBrake: Open Source Video Transcoder

HandBrake: Open Source Video Transcoder

HTTrack: Website Copier

HTTrack: Website Copier

Iconly: Convert SVG Strokes to Fills

Iconly: Convert SVG Strokes to Fills

iTerm2: macOS Terminal Replacement

iTerm2: macOS Terminal Replacement

LanguageTool: Your writing assistant

LanguageTool: Your writing assistant

Local: An effortless way to develop WordPress sites locally

Local: An effortless way to develop WordPress sites locally – The Ultimate Tool for Optimizing Meta Tags – The Ultimate Tool for Optimizing Meta Tags

Min-Max Calculator: Generate Responsive CSS clamp() Values

Min-Max Calculator: Generate Responsive CSS clamp() Values

Netlify: Automating Modern Web Projects

Netlify: Automating Modern Web Projects

OBS: Open Broadcaster Software®

OBS: Open Broadcaster Software®

PerfectPixel by WellDoneCode: Your Pixel-Perfect Companion

PerfectPixel by WellDoneCode: Your Pixel-Perfect Companion

QR Code Generator

QR Code Generator

Regex101: Master Regular Expressions

Regex101: Master Regular Expressions

Screaming Frog: SEO Spider Website Crawler

Screaming Frog: SEO Spider Website Crawler

Screen Brush: Draw over the entire screen

Screen Brush: Draw over the entire screen

Slugify Online: Clean URL Slug Generator

Slugify Online: Clean URL Slug Generator

Storybook: Frontend workshop for UI development

Storybook: Frontend workshop for UI development

TinyPNG: JPEG, PNG & WebP image compression

TinyPNG: JPEG, PNG & WebP image compression

Unsplash: Beautiful, Free Images and Pictures

Unsplash: Beautiful, Free Images and Pictures

VS Code: Code Editing. Redefined

VS Code: Code Editing. Redefined

Zoho Mail: Secure business email

Zoho Mail: Secure business email